Language translations of any complexity

We offer you language translation services of any complexity

Event M

Companies with many years of experience in conducting business, international, governmental and diplomatic events, as well as ceremonial events. Our organization is engaged in servicing international organizations and specializes in the field of translations in Bishkek.
Переведем устно, письменно и последовательно
  • Languages of translation:
    English French German Italian Japanese Chinese Spanish Turkish Arabic English French German Italian Japanese Chinese Spanish Turkish Arabic
  • Translation topics:

    Petrochemistry, oil refining, Extraction of gas, minerals and gold, Mining industry, Natural disasters, Emergencies and their prevention, etc.

We will translate even from extraterrestrial civilizations

Consecutive translation
Our company has many years of experience in the field of translations. We provide both synchronous and sequential.Consecutive translation does not require special equipment, the translator simply translates the spoken speech, usually no longer than 5 minutes. Consecutive translation always lasts longer than simultaneous translation, since it takes a separate time to pronounce the translation.
Simultaneous translation
This method of translation is a translation almost simultaneously with the speaker. The main advantage of simultaneous translation is speed. Simultaneous interpretation requires equipment adapted for interpretation: interpreters are in a separate room or a special booth and listen to the speaker's speech through headphones. In order for the interpreters sitting in the booth to hear the speaker's speech, he must speak into the microphone. Simultaneous interpretation usually involves two interpreters. A translator who does not translate at that time listens to the speaker and briefly writes down the main facts said by the speaker, for example, numbers, dates or surnames, thereby not only helping his partner, but also ready to take over the baton at any moment.
Письменный перевод
От перевода текста на полстраницы до крупных международных проектов – всё это нам по плечу, так как нами накоплен богатый опыт, мы располагаем всеми необходимыми мощностями и средствами.
Хороший перевод – это не только перевод дословный, это максимально соответствующий тексту оригинала современный перевод, состоящий из множества последовательных шагов этого процесса. Мы предоставляем услуги по переводу документов различных типов и различных областей (в т.ч. директивы ЕС, техническая, юридическая, медицинская, экономическая, финансовая и прочая документация) на более чем 50 языков.

We are in numbers

Consecutive transfers
Simultaneous translations
Written translations
О нас расскажут нашим клиентам
Опыт нельзя купить или подделать.
Наши клиенты знают об этом и работают с нами.
Contact us
We will be happy to provide you with additional information and answer your questions.
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+996 558 389288 WhatsApp
+996 556 829978
+996 778 389288